According to the scriptures, God Shiva is considered as the Adi yogi (the first yogi), and father of yoga. God Shiva is also known as Natraj, the lord of dance, his dance gestures also reflect in his postures quite gracefully. He is also known as the founder of the art of yoga. God Shiva personifies and practices of yoga and has derived 84 lakhs asanas from his dance moves. It is believed that God Shiva transmitted Yoga to the Saptarishi, who spread the Yoga practices to the World. Adi Shiva began the sessions of the Yogic teachings with Saptarishis on the banks of Kanti Sarovar, near Kedarnath, Uttarakhand, India.
Many thousands of years later Patanjali came and saw that Yoga had become too complex and diversified for anyone to grasp in meaningful way. He is the person who synthesized and organized knowledge about Yoga from much older traditions and compiled Yoga Sutras, so Patanjali is thought to be the father of modern yoga. This is a collection of 196 verses or Sutras on Yoga. The Yoga Sutras are one of the most important texts in the Indian tradition and the foundation of classified Yoga, translated into forty Indian languages.
Contribution of Swami Vivekananda for Yog Divas
Swami Vivekanand (Hindu Reformer) introduced the importance of Yoga to the Western World, when he addressed the World parliament of religion in Chicago in 1893. Swami Vivekanand enjoyed remarkable appreciation in the eyes of the west when he travelled as a yoga teacher to Europe and USA. Research says that, there are 300 million yoga trainers worldwide.
Baba Ramdev
Ram Kishan Yadhav or Swami Ramdev was born on December 25, 1965, in a village named Saiyad Pur, Mahendragarh, East Punjab (now Haryana), India. His parents were Ram Niwas Yadav, a farmer, and Gulabo Devi. He studied till 8th standard afterwards he joined Acharya Baldevji in Gurukul Kalwa to study Sanskrit and Yoga. He always stood first in class and he used second-hand books to study. He was overweight in childhood. According to his parents, he fought with many life-threatening accidents in his childhood. At the age of six, he fell off the roof and his head were contused. At the age of seven, he drowned in a pond, a villager saved his life after hearing the commotion of his friends. He got boils on his body when he turned eight years old. Again, he suffered a paralytic attack on left side of his whole body in his childhood. He credits yoga for the miraculous recovery from all these severe incidents of life. Yoga professes a complete system of physical, mental, social, and spiritual development. It is said that, once upon a time some saints came in his village and gave the messages of Saint PARAM Hansa. That message influenced him a lot and he determined to become a saint. Swami Shankar Devji changed name of Ram Kishan Yadav to Swami Ramdev due to hermit lifestyle. He wakes up at 3 a.m. because Baba Ramdev is workaholic.
Contribution of Baba Ramdev for Yoga and Yog Divas
Swami Ramdev founded the 'Divya yog mandir trust' in 1995. Aastha Channel on TV began featuring Ramdev baba in its morning slot, he taught people practice seven breathing exercises. There he gained a large following including some celebrities across the World. United Nations General Secretary, Kofi Annan, invited him to deliver a lecture in a conference, in 2006. The same year, he and Acharya Balkrishnan co-founded an enterprise Patanjali Yogpeeth, on the name of Maharishi Patanjali, who is considered the father of yoga. Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India, is World's biggest Ayurveda and Yoga centre. He has been honoured with Doctorate degrees from four universities across the India. Gradually he became so popular that many prominent people inspired by him and learnt yoga from him like Amitabh Bachchan, Shilpa Shetty, Yogi Haider (Baba Ramdev of Pakistan) and Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi and so many.
Acharya Balakrishnan
Ramdev Baba and Acharya Balakrishnan met to each other at Tripura yoga ashram Kankhal Haridwar, India, in 1990s and they became friends. Later they went to Himalayas, where Balakrishnan learnt Ayurveda and Baba Ramdev engrossed in Yoga. Balakrishnan known as Acharya Balakrishnan born on August 4, 1972, originally a Nepalese he was granted an Indian passport in 1998. Ramdev does not possess any stake in Patanjali Ayurveda Ltd., instead Acharya Balakrishnan possesses 94% stake in this company. Ram Bharat Yadav, brother of Ramdev baba, is the CEO of Patanjali Ayurveda Ltd..
But have you heard about Zumba and Aerobics classes? Aerobics define a large category of physical exercises, for example cycling, walking, jogging, or dancing. The concept of aerobics coined in the late 1960s by Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper, a physician at the San Antonio Air Force Hospital. He is known as the father of Aerobics. Aerobics is performed on music with an instructor's guidance. Through Aerobics your body learns how to use oxygen easily and start burning unnecessary fat.
Do' and Don’ts on Yoga Divas
Yoga is good for flexibility and stretching and meditation and improve your sleeping. Do not perform yoga immediately after meals. Yoga should not be performed in a state of exhaustion, illness, in a hurry, or stress condition and menses. Women should do only pranayama and relaxation asanas during their menses. Always practice yoga in a clean place, on a level surface and use a yoga mat or blanket for supine postures. A standard yoga mat should be 3.3 mm or 1/8 inch thick. It helps correct poses. Yoga mat provides a sort of insulation between the human body and the ground. It helps you avoid injuries. The best time to practice yoga is early morning before breakfast or late evening. Never eat directly after yoga: Give your body absolute 30 minutes to re-acclimate itself. Yoga benefits the mind body and spirit. Yoga practice can rewire your brain chemistry and boost your mood.
The practice of Yoga leads to a perfect harmony between the mind and body, man, and nature. We do not join yoga many times with the thought, weight will be gained after leaving it. But truth is that, since you are not burning the same number of calories as you used to while working out, the extra calories will be stored as fat in the body. I think every day that let go of today, I will do yoga tomorrow, but that tomorrow never comes. Cannot we get 15 minutes out of 24 hours for yoga or for our body. Whether you think you are busy, or everything depends on what you give priority to in life. Yoga is an art and science of healthy living.
To love yourself is a very important thing. I think health of your mind depends on your being able to love yourself.
Happy Yog Divas to All..
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